Celebrating Books
HI All,
A lot of us are if not voracious, definitely avid book readers. As the pages of a book are turned, our world is broadened. Literature is valuable for many reasons: it sparks creativity and imagination; introduces us to new people, places, and ideas; builds our vocabulary and strengthens our use of language; and clarifies difficult situations and troublesome feelings. Books help us reach out to the world beyond home and community and perceive an ever-expanding array of possibilities. Throughout the years of our life, we expose ourselves to books of all kinds: picture, story, rhythm and rhyming, adventure and mystery, fantasy, interpersonal relationships, travel, reference, riddles and puzzles, arts, philosophy and science. Reading for most of us by now must have become a treasured part of our life. Despite the availablitiy of electronic media, the written word on traditional paper continues to dominate education and is the main means of discovering information or sharing insights for most people on our planet. As a booklover, I am convinced that literacy is the greatest single gift we can share. As a further move to our passion for books, Arun and I after a few emails and thoughts exchanged on some books and articles, have decidedthat all of us - the book lovers, should come a little closer and form aliterary guild("I just mean a club"), that will celebrate our voices, thoughts, expressions and opinions about what we are reading. It should be a platform to share our views on mouth watering books and authors. It will bring forth to all of us new and great books of which we had not known or heard of.
To start with ,we can share our perspectives,reviews, personal opinions about some books,excerpts of some books to lure others to read them etc., by email (we cant share our books for logistical barriers). As the pages on the calendar turn , if we think we have a good number of"bookers" as we may call ourselves, we can contemplate to do more toaugemnt the spirit of reading.It will eventually help us form a fraternity of its own kind.Please pass on this message to all your friends who love to read and consider this a calling to all the booklovers to come together and share the world of books.
It will be only our pleasure to receive your suggestions,opinion and comments about this small movement that we aretrying to stirr.Finally,I think there are no such things as bad books. Like a gun, abook is what its owner makes of it.It hasn't made any worse people.
Deloitte Consulting
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