Monday, February 21, 2005

SYLB Invitation - Works of Kahlil Gibran

Hi Everybody Lets meet to liven up souls and find what we’ve been looking for through the “book reading” session. Interact with like-minded people and review books that you’ve read. Read some passages or thoughts which impressed you and share your feelings with people who relate to this. Here’s the opportunity to discuss, debate, share your intellect, feelings, opinions. Voice your thoughts – they are precious and we’d like to hear them.
We plan to revive the “SYLB” club and promote intellectual discussions and lively debates at office to get a break from monotony. Join us every alternate week on Thursday at a suitable venue.
Session – I Theme: “Works of Kahlil Gibran” - excerpts reading - discussions on excerpts - brain storming to make the SYLB interesting Time: 5.00pm – 6.00pm Venue: rescue stairs, Auriga 4th floor Date: 24th Feb All the interested SYLBers,please respond to this mail so that we can make an approximation of the participants. And since we have facility constraints, not more than the first 25 people can be entertained.

Just Books !!

For those of us who prefer a book to the idiot box, here is some tintinnabulation you will like.
While surfing channels on a weekend I was suddenly distrait on NDTV Profit - a channel I would never watch, and I found a show which caught my impervious attention.
The business news channel "NDTV Profit" airs a show called "Just Books!" every Saturday, 12.30 pm. This one is first of its kind with profuse news from the world of books. Brining to you the latest of what's happening between the covers, the show also highlights book exhibitions, book reading sessions, book releasing schedules happening in various cities. It also showcases chosen authors each week.
A discursive show, from when Shobha de`s new book is releasing to why India is becoming a hub for publishing travel guides and how the book lovers united at Calcutta book fair, you find it all here.
In a recent episode they had a session on how the business of cook books works with excerpt interviews with such authors,.Can you believe that there are over 1500 titles that release every year from India alone as Cook Books.
Excerpt interviews with authors, publishing house owners, renowned editors, book distributors will slake your unknown thirst for books.
For those who missed some episodes, they can always catch up on the NDTV website for a subscription fees.
Those who already know about this, hope you liked it as much as I did and those who do not know of it, I have an overbearing pride and presumption to let know of it :)!So where will you be this Saturday afternoon?


Friday, February 18, 2005

The "Snow-white" Emptiness

Said a sheet of snow-white paper, "Pure was I created, and pure will I remain for ever. I would rather be burnt and turn to white ashes than suffer darkness to touch me or the unclean to come near me."
The ink-bottle heard what the white paper was saying, and it laughed in its dark heart; but it never dared to approach her. And the multicoloured pencils heard her also, and they too never came near her.
And the snow-white sheet of paper did remain pure and chaste for ever - pure and chaste - and empty.

- The Forerunner, Kahlil Gibran
Posted by Amar Yeluru